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Yan先生のタガイタイ旅行記 はコメントを受け付けていません。







Almost everybody wants to live in big cities like Tokyo,
because there are a lot of business and job opportunities. City living is
indeed good, working hard is better. But we only live once, so we should enjoy
things life has to offer. Travelling, is one way of enjoying the “fruits” of
your hard works, just like what one Japanese words is telling us, “Experience
the beauties of nature and in doing so learn about yourself.” (花鳥風月)

Let me introduce to you a place, which is unique because of its Taal volcano island in
a lake. It’s not the usual destination of foreigners like Cebu, because this
one’s located near Manila, the capital city of the Philippines. It will just
take 90 minutes if you have your own car and 180 minutes via public


ここで私がとっておきの場所を紹介します。それは「タアル火山 Taal Volcano」といい、湖の中にある という変わった島です。ここはセブ島のように外国人観光客がよく訪れる 場所でなく、フィリピンの首都、マニラからのそれほど時間がかからずに行けるところです。車で行くと1時間半、公共の交通機関を利用すると3時間で到着します。


Tagaytay City is very famous among local tourists because of its
outstanding sceneries and cooler climate. Since you are used to be in a country that has cooler climate, I bet you will love this place. And who wouldn’t love scenery like this? Breathtaking and unique, as Philippines is the only country which has this kind of lake. This lake was also featured in the song of an American singer Katy Perry, “Roar”.
You can check it out in this website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CevxZvSJLk8

その湖を望む「タガイタイ」 という街は地元の観光客にとても人気のある場所です。それは、高台から眺める絶景と涼しい気候のためです。日本はフィリピンよりずっと涼しい気候にあって、日本人はそれに慣れているのできっと読者の皆さんも気に入ると思います。それに加えて、写真にあるようなこの絶景です。このような火山島が浮かぶ湖は、フィリピン以外にはどこにも存在しません。また、アメリカ人シンガーのケイティ・ペリーの曲・「ロアー“Roar” 」にフィーチャーされています。曲はユーチューブで確認できます。



While enjoying the scenery, you can stay and have picnic in one of the sheds for free at Tagaytay Picnic Grove or try ZIPLINE to maximize the experience. You can also try their famous Mushroom burger and go to other place like People’s Park in the Sky which is the highest place in Tagaytay. And why not plan to be a member of Tagaytay Highlands? They offer residential units exclusively for their members. I bet that would be one good investment. *wink*

タガイタイには「Tagaytay Picnic Grove」という景色を楽しみながら、小屋で無料で ピクニックをすることができます。ジップラインといって、渓谷にロープを張って、それに滑車をつけて空中を滑り降りる遊びを体験するのもいいでしょう。食べ物としてはここで有名な「マッシュルームバーガー」を食べてみては?「 People’s Park in the Sky 」というタガイタイで最も高い場所にいってみるのもいいです。日本人でフィリピンの不動産に投資したり、リゾート地に別荘を持つ人たちも多いと聞きます。「 Tagaytay Highlandsタガイタイ・ハイランド」のメンバーになれば、メンバーだけの特典が受けられるといいます。そういう人たちにはここで不動産投資をしてみてはどうですか?


Worrying about basic necessities? Don’t be! This place has also establishments you could see in the cities like restaurants, bar, church, fast food chains and coffee shops. You can also enjoy the nightlife, if you are a night owl or go swimming in one of the resorts, if you think you can endure the cold weather.



For busy people like us, travelling is one of the best things we could do in order to enjoy life. And going to this kind of place will help you relax, breathe some fresh air and bond with your family, relatives and friends as well. This place will surely let you hit not only two birds in one stone, but multiple. Don’t forget to buy souvenirs to give to your love ones, or just to keep for the sake of remembrance. I hope you will enjoy going to this place. Don’t forget to take pictures, too! See ya!







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