Kyla先生、Laguna(ラグナ州)Santa Rosa(サンタ・ロサ)にあるテーマパークに行ってきました。
Adrenaline Junkies ~アドレナリン中毒~
It was my friend’s 19th birthday and we spent a lot of time looking for ways to celebrate it the best way possible.
Since we’re all adrenaline junkies, meaning we always seek adventure, we ended up celebrating it at a theme park in Santa Rosa, Laguna!
その日は友達の19歳の誕生日で、私たちは可能な限り素晴らしい方法でお祝いする方法を探すためにたくさんの時間を費やしました。Since we’re all adrenaline junkies, meaning we always seek adventure, we ended up celebrating it at a theme park in Santa Rosa, Laguna!
私たちは皆アドレナリン中毒なので、常に冒険することを求めています。そして最終的にLaguna(ラグナ州)Santa Rosa(サンタ・ロサ)にあるテーマパークで祝うことにしました。
Our first ride – bumper cars! It was fun. I felt like I knew how to drive a car.
私たちの最初のアトラクション – bumper cars(バンパー・カーズ)!私はまるで車を運転する方法を知っているような気分になりました。
This ride is called Flying Fiesta. Here, I felt like I was flying. I also had a great view of the theme park.
このアトラクションは、Flying Fiesta(フライング・フィエスタ)というものです。私はまるで空を飛んでいるかのような気分になりました。また、テーマパークの素晴らしい眺めも見ることができました。
We also tried this large, old-fashioned Ferris wheel which lifted us into the air.
It actually gave me a good view of not just the theme park but also of Laguna.
私たちは、空に浮き上がるこの昔ながらの大きな観覧車に乗ってみました。It actually gave me a good view of not just the theme park but also of Laguna.
Finally, this ride is called EKstreme Drop Tower.
It was a really thrilling ride. First, it goes up to a height of around 120 ft. Then, as the name implies, it drops to the ground in an instant.
While we were going up, I was really nervous and my heart was beating so fast.
When it was finally going down, all I had to do was to scream. It was indeed a breathtaking experience. I can definitely say that this ride is a must-try and it is really safe.
I will definitely go back to this theme park soon.
最後にこのEKstreme Drop Tower(エクストリーム・ドロップ・タワー)という名前のアトラクションに乗りました。It was a really thrilling ride. First, it goes up to a height of around 120 ft. Then, as the name implies, it drops to the ground in an instant.
While we were going up, I was really nervous and my heart was beating so fast.
When it was finally going down, all I had to do was to scream. It was indeed a breathtaking experience. I can definitely say that this ride is a must-try and it is really safe.
I will definitely go back to this theme park soon.